Have you ever given a second chance to someone you cut out of your life for treating you badly? How did it work out?

Just want to say this has nothing to do with a significant other, it's specifically about my father.

Growing up my father was an alcoholic, and it was some big family secret. I didn't actually find out that he had a drinking problem until my mother divorced my father. Following the divorce he strangled me on 1 occasion, pushed me to the ground on 2-3 occasions, and hit me as well.

I guess there was a part of me that was convinced if I was patient enough maybe he would eventually change, but it's been twelve years and he hasn't shown any inclination to improve his behavior, nor has he attempted to receive help when it's been offered. Furthermore, living with him got to be so bad that I ran away, lives at a women's shelter, and am now living completely on my own about an hour away from where I used to be living.

Additionally, I receive several comments on my appearance or 'suggestions' on how I need to change, or improve to fit what he wants or expects of me. I basically just got to a point where I just cut off all communication because it wasn't worth the energy to continue.

It occurred to me recently the only reason I maintained contact with him is because I had been pressured by family members to do so because they believed "it's the right thing to do" and that if I don't "I'll later regret it"

So. Will we speak again? I haven't really put much thought into it, but if or when it happens it will be on my terms, and it will be my decision only and no one else's.

/r/AskWomen Thread