Have you ever walk out during sex? why?

That answers all this bullshit. He slept with 50+ because he had game; he worked for it.

The majority of men can't just sleep with 50+ women with ease. They'd need to work hard a grow stronger. If they chose not to They'll be seen as weak or pathetic and are nothing worth for a women.

The majority of women can just get men easily. Men who only wants their body. Then soon they'll leave. All that just did was showed they used you as tool and that's it. So just letting yourself be available to anyone proves that you are nothing more than just a tool[whore].

Women who have made bad decisions in the past— getting drunk, using drugs and having unsafe sex, one night stands—will often feel bad about these actions. They do not wish to be held accountable for them, so they either lie, or will try to force a man to accept them, and if he challenges them (as you see in the answers on this thread) she will attempt to shame him, by saying he is an ‘incel’ or called a 'misogynist' or is told he's 'insecure' or 'isn't capable of satisfying a women'.

Their logic is, if a man doesn’t like the idea that a woman has been used by the entire city, he must not be good in bed… think about that for a minute. This is their way of thinking. It is their hatred of accountablity and how they do not wish to be judged for bad decisions.

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