Every dwarf has a unique but wildly similar opinion

The hurricane is decent but kinda average against single targets. I only have the Salvo OC for it which is honestly dogshit. It’s basically a shotgun except you have to charge to use it to its full potential. Im sure people will disagree but a shotgun you can’t immediately fire at full power is a useless shotgun.

Then you have the LS leadstorm, which even with accuracy mod is less accurate than the starting primary of scouts. I’ve promoted twice with gunner and having tried scout for the first time yesterday, I can shoot better with an unmodded non OC Deepcore GK2. I don’t know what to say to that.

It annoys me that these weapons (together with the OCs I was fortunate to unlock) are unnecessarily gimped in some way that makes zero sense, gunners are supposed to have the best guns after all, but hey they were nice enough to gave you LOTS of ammo so you can enjoy your gimped guns a lot before resupplying.

Autocannon with neurotoxin is the only decent gun (i have).

/r/DeepRockGalactic Thread Link - i.redd.it