I see it in every office, every retail store, every business I walk into. Employees look so tired!

I'm not shaming the person. I'm telling them to think about the full extent of the consequences of their own actions. Because they matter. In this life and the next.

If the person feels they have nothing to live for due to mental illness, compassion, therapy, and a support group of loved ones is what's needed to fix it. So telling the person they have a support group and they will be devastated, is trying to show the op that love is there. Regardless of what the mental illness is telling them.

I have 2 bachelors, one in environmental science. So I have a deeper understanding of evolution then a HS graduate.

Your entire post is negetive trying to undermine my words by insinuating I'm an idiot, solely because what I said hurts your emotions and feelings. Which leads me to suspect you struggle with rational vs emotional thinking. And that's fine. I'm not attacking you.

Mental illness is sparked by trauma, genetics, or environmental factors. Suicide rates are through the roof in the last 20 years. Maybe it's all the plastic pollution, maybe it's all the medical waste in water supplies, maybe it's air pollution. Etc. But massive suicide numbers in any species are not natural at all.

So by humans increasing suicide, there's a cause. Again maybe it's pollution. Maybe it's technology. Etc. But if you think suicide is natural, then you don't understand the natural worlds order or the process of life or death

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