Every time I try to play Io

Alright, here's an analysis on your first one, I'll get to your second one when I can, there were 2 other people who asked for an analysis first but their replays were unavailable, I'll come back to your second game either tomorrow or within a couple days depending on how soon they get me a working replay. Sorry it takes so long, one analysis takes me a good few hours and I really only have time for like 1 a day.

PA game:

Pre-game - I like the timing on your PA pick. You picked it after getting 2 supports, one of which can easily secure a lane, and you pick it versus an AM. PA kind of fucks with AM in that she forces him to go MKB, and he can't really fight her without being massively ahead on gold, since he has to get BF and Manta first. So basically, until lategame, you can wreck him, which means if you press your advantage earlier he's in trouble. So basically, if you win the lanes, you can just get an early Abyssal and fuck him.

Starting Build - You go QB, Shield, Tangos, Faerie Fire. I think this is a little bit greedy, being slightly low on regen (since you can buy QB and shield at the side shop) but if you're gonna trilane or at least take Ogre with you, I think you can get away with this. Faerie Fire is interesting and I haven't really seen it much or tried it myself, I guess we'll see how it plays out. Rune fight - Good discipline, not preemptively skilling anything, good camera control while scouting rune, good timing on your movement. It helps that none of them went top but I like your movements here.

So you're up against a solo Furion with Rubick's help. I may be jaded from pubs but I expected a solo Undying with Furion jungling. Thank god I'm wrong. Anyway, in this case I think your regen is fine, and that cliff ward helps quite a bit.

0:00-1:30 - good camera work overall, decent CS, although you do miss a couple under tower despite your dagger and QB. You also take a decent bit of harass due to standing a bit too close to Furion instead of backing off between last hits.

1:46 - I think you needed to help Rubick out a little earlier during this. He was stupid for trying to trade with a Furion with several Treants, but I think just moving toward Furion would've made him back off earlier and saved Rubick a Salve.

2:07 - you check Furion's items. Good. That's a habit many more people need to have. Seeing all that regen has has, and the ward, is pretty useful.

2:10-2:40 - Furion goes off map in the direction of your jungle, with a ward. It should be pretty obvious where he warded. However, you don't check his inventory after Rubick lifts him, so I'm not sure if you or Rubick realized. Rubick didn't check inventory either. So at this point we'll just see if either of you realize just by pure game sense that he blocked your pull (although you don't need it now, you've got the lane under control).

3:15 - you're missing some easy last hits here. I know PA's damage is low early on but you've got QB and Furion is out of lane, you've gotta get these. You miss 2 right here, and one around 3:35. Another at 3:40. You're not doing bad on CS overall but you're not getting ahead due to missing the easy ones. AM, who has a tougher lane than you, is at 20, you have 19.

4:05 - good kill on Furion, although the poor fool did bodyblock himself. Undying coming in definitely sucks and may cost you a lot of regen.

5:00 - You're still missing some easy ones, although it's a bit more understandable with Undying there. But you do have Dagger for the tricky ones.

5:15 - right here Undying Decays you with a clarity on himself. Personally, I would've daggered him. He's pretty mana hungry, limiting the decay spam a bit would save you regen. You do dagger him at 5:29 but by now he's gotten nearly full mana, so he basically got one more decay out of the extra time you waited.

Side note - your team is killing it, this looks like a good game for you so far, they should let you get ahead of the AM. Other side note - your pull camp is still warded and you didn't notice, but overall it's been fairly inconsequential because you've mostly kept the lane near your tower.

6:45 - Lina and CM are missing. Lina walks under your ward and you back off a second later. So far so good. Lina shows in lane and nukes the wave while Propher summons trees, so you should know something's up; they're clearly trying to throw units at your tower and dive you. Good positioning, good mop up, good use of the dagger for flying vision. I'd say that went pretty well. You could have been positioned a bit better (I think going forward to dagger the treant could've gotten you killed if they were a bit quicker to go in on that) but CM got impatient which really helped you guys get back and mop up.

8:00 - oof. Really, really should've gone for the tower deny. I can understand you thinking the next catapult shot might not kill it but the safe play would've been to hit the tower once (when it had 49 HP), let the catapult hit it (the last hit that it got in, brought the tower to mid 20s), then hit the tower again. Even if your final hit didn't kill, you have time for 2 hits between the catapult's hit so you should definitely have gotten the deny.

Anyway, we're 8 minutes in and you're doing fine, but AM is a bit ahead of you and gets a double kill too, that doesn't bode well.

8:35 - TREAD SWITCH. You're on STR while throwing the dagger and when you blink on Furion. Good presence of mind to QB out of the Sprout though, for some reason a lot of people magically forget that you can chop down those trees. But really, tread switch. Gotta get that efficiency. You can dagger spam for years if you always switch.

9:00 - good job backing out before undying could go on you, but you kinda ran back in and ate Furion's ult for no reason, guaranteeing you need to go heal.

10:00 - use your dagger to secure CS here. You miss 2 under tower and I guarantee you could have gotten them all with liberal use of Dagger. You have full mana and an Aquila and treads, you can use it to CS.

10:45 - this is the dream. AM is dead, your team is creating huge pressure, most of their team is showing up on the bottom of the map, and you're just farming away. At this point you basically just need HotD and BKB to start causing issues for AM, then you go for Abyssal so he can't get away. However, I have no clue why you don't buy the mask from the side shop here, you've got the lane pushed to the side shop anyway. Kinda just wasting the courier here.

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