Why Is Everyone So Pro-Disconnecting?

What you're not getting is that for the vast majority of lobbies there is literally fuck all a survivor can do if a killer camps/tunnels them. Killers have the ability at any time to end the game for a survivor and will justify it with whatever bullshit excuse they choose at the time.

Saying it is a "strategy" is a crap scapegoat that shows you're literal trash at playing killer and resort to actions the incompetent devs have no clue how to stop.

If you look at basically any of the spreadsheets people post of tracking their game history in 6.1 you'll see there is rarely a number of kills other than 0 or 4, most games being 4ks now. Killers have been given all the tools in the world to play as oppressively as they wish, and they continue to be shitty on top of it.

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