Why is it okay to bully short men, but its not okay to bully fat women?

Honestly, dude? So the fuck what? It's not your job or your place to go from person to person and figure out if they are guilty of a loss of self-control or have some diagnosis what you graciously decide to allow as a legitimate health condition.

Most people don't have congenital birth defects. Most people don't suffer from developing a tumor on their pituitary gland. Most people don't suffer manic depression. Sometimes the body just doesn't work right. But it doesn't matter. It's not your business to be the judge of who gets a pass and who doesn't.

And don't try to virtue signal by a half-assed attempt to protest your concern about the obesity epidemic. You and I both know you don't really feel that way. You give yourself away when you assign blame to the obesity epidemic by claiming , "so many people they don't take control or do anything about it (a thinly veiled way of blaming fat people for being fat because they don't take responsibility or aren't strong enough to keep trying)

First of all, who is "many"? 10 people? 100 people? 1,000 people? Who are you to make that kind of generalization? And then, insinuating in a painfully unsubtle way that this group of many is a personal failing? Because what else is not taking responsibility or choosing to accept failure?

Honestly dude? Due better.

/r/ask Thread Parent