What's a dog breed you don't understand how people love it?

So many people saying small dog breeds instead of literal FIGHTING AND KILLING dog breeds.

No way you can unironically say you hate chihuahuas because they bite ankles and not hate pitbulls, at least chihuahuas don't rip throats out and murder children and innocent dogs. There is a reason they are the number 1 in causing fatalities (by a long shot aswell) they constantly attack disabled people and random bystanders and passer-bys who were minding their business posing 0% of a threat to the deranged pitbull.

Fighting dogs were bred for killing they should not be allowed in a civilised society, stop believing the lies you hear about them being friendly. The typical "lab mix" that turns out to be a 95% pitbull and kills the families 3 small children for fun even though the family were really nice owners of the murder dog it will typically revert to it's basic instincts. Best case scenario it just acts violently to other animals and growls and jumps at humans and eats a neighbourhood cat or two. Like why would you want to deal with that over a normal dog breed, even the demon chihuahuas are easier to deal with and no where near as threatening. Anyway rant over, humans are stupid so there will always be the <70iq idiots defending pitbulls. Go ahead and downvote me but I hope at least one person sees this and realizes "huh, pitbulls are actually a genuine problem". Because I wish I was lying and innocent dogs were not attacked by these beasts but the evidence is everywhere

/r/AskReddit Thread