Examples of humble charity in the major religions?

Great question! In Islam, this is a great theme.

① We of course have Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) who was the most generous and charitable. He was always giving to charity to the point that his heart would not be at rest if he had something to give and rushed to give it away (example: Bukhari 1430). If he had anything and someone asked him for it, he would donate it even if he needed it and he was known to never turn down a request (example: Bukhari 6036). The list of examples are numerous and go on.

And remember, he was the leader of a nation. For context, other leaders such as Caesar had fancy palaces, beds and nice things. But Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)? He slept on a simple mat on the floor; he didn't have the "nice things" that most people of power and status have.. even though he could have acquired them if he wanted (description of his living as witnessed by his Companion: Ibn Majah 4153).

② After Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), it was his closest Companion Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه‎ who was most charitable after the Prophet. He once came with ALL his wealth to given to charity even though he didn't have to! (Tirmidhi 3675). A great sacrifice, one that most people couldn't even dream of doing.

We have many more examples. But this should suffice your question إن شاء الله

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