If you can't force your religion on someone, you shouldn't force nonreligion on someone.

That's a false equivalence. I have faith in a person who spent years studying a subject, noted their findings, had those findings reviewed by other people who spent years studying the subject, and revised it with their feedback. And even then, I remain skeptical. I'm not going to believe something without a plausible argument to back it up.

Religious people, on the other hand, have faith in a book that does not back up its claims. If the Bible had been written by scientists it would say seafood may contain diseases, it would explain how blood based diseases are transferred, and it would teach basic hygiene. Instead, the Bible says you mustn't eat seafood, you mustn't sit on a chair a menstruating woman has sat on in the past week, and that you must cut off the tip of your son's penis. And you're supposed to do all of that without questioning why, and without knowing whether the person who wrote these claims is actually qualified to do so.

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