Experience with anime that are adaptations?

I'd really like to hear this because I always wonder if an anime doesn't do the manga/ln/vn justice.

Just take a look at Absolute Duo. They tried to animate 4 good LNs at the point, where they should have done 2. So they cut out 90% of the world building, leading to the fact, that without this exposition all fights didn't make sense, because you just can't understand the tactic behind them.

With no need for tactic they cut out 95% of the training and theory behind their strength, leading to the point where they cut out all the character development happening mostly there. There was like a 3 LN long development of a character - no use fot it. So instead this character made a 180-turn out of the blue. YEAH!

With no use for character development, there was also no need for the background and the goal of the enemy, so they just didn't explain them and instead just made them the cool looking bad guys without brain, because - again - otherwise there would have been character development. Fuck that!

But there was still the point, that there was not enough time, so they literally cut the biggest fights in half or just didn't animate some of them at all. They threw away some of the most exciting moments in the whole LNs. It goes to the point, where they threw away 80% of a good point to - we all know it - animate more fucking fanservice at the beach. The fanservice parts are the only ones that are adapted correctly, changing their role from some side scenes to the center of the anime.

But wait... there's more. Because this shitty shit anime of shit was shit, they decided to give it an anime original ending, which not only was totally shit itself, it even destroyed the little rest of world building, because it wasn't even possible in the few rules they actually adapted. Oh my god... that was shit.

I mean there are always better adaptions and some which are worse. But this adaption is so fucking worse, that it only uses the world, some points in the world and names, while some characters even totally change their character and behaviour. It's so fucking bad, that after seeing this I can never be looking forward to a LN-adaption and be happy. Like with Heavy Object and Gakusen Toshi Asterisk there'll be two new LN-Adaptions which (very) good source material next season. I would totally hyped for both of them... if it wasn't for the fact that I know, that a fuck up on this scale would be possible. Absolute Duo is like the perfect example of how you shouldn't use your source material. They did everything wrong... to the point, where they destroyed my naive hope in its roots...

/r/anime Thread