Experience with dating someone who just got out of a long term relationship?

It is hit or miss; depending on the person.

One thing we do not know, is her age. Someone 40 vs someone 26; completely different priorities in life.

I would just keep it casual, have fun, and hook up.

I have dated someone for a while, and once it was over I was ready to move on. I have dated others that took years to get over. -Depends on what.

my only concern, that she is excited about dating. I am assuming she is dating other people too... but this is something that you cannot bring up. Just makes you look desperate, needy, and you have nothing else goes on.

I say, enjoy the time now. Does it matter what happens tomorrow? No way you would know, without diving in. I would bring up your concerns after 5-10 dates - because at that point, wtf are you two? right? But, I really don't think it is needed.

How to avoid a rebound, tell her straight up that you are not looking for a short term thing; and not down with hooking up and keeping things casual. - but you run the risk here.

I learned, make 1 date a week. Keep contact light through out the week. I started to use my phone to setup dates not for checking in and talking everyday.

Why do I do this? 1.) I am busy 2.) I am not too available 3.) gives her time to miss me/think about me. 4.) its less work for me.

I dated someone, who was out of her second marriage and 3-4 months before we got together; she just got divorced. She wants a relationship (keep in mind she is 34 too) - its all the person.

My best bet, is talk your roommates girlfriend and ask. (I would have raised that question at first with her before agreeing to a date)

But i don't think your roommate's girlfriend, would set you up with someone for "fun" without serious thought.

Let us know how it goes!

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