Am I Racially fetishizing?

I would personally say no, but I would keep quiet about it because everyone else seems to like poking their nose into other people's business. Also be aware of how sensitive people are about it and make sure you show them from the start that, attraction aside, you like them for you they are as a person. That second part is really important.

I have my own example. I am a gay man and LOVE facial hair. Especially dark, thick facial hair. I'm also going to be honest here - I love dark hair, dark eyes, tanned skin. This might annoy people but I just love it and I would say it's because it wasn't common where I grew up. (I've noticed blue eyes are conversely considered very attractive in areas where brown eyes are the norm.) I have a weakness for Mediterranean men, Middle Eastern men, South Asian men. I'm just physically attracted way more often than I am with anyone else. And that isn't to say I haven't also dated outside that.

One time I was on a date with a South Asian guy and he was flicking through my social media pics. He flicked past a whole bunch of white guys I'd slept with (I said nothing) and then he saw a brown guy and asked if I'd had sex with him. I said yes, and he immediately jumped onto it and said I was fesitishing. I listened to him rant about white people for a while and just nodded along and we had sex anyway, during which he fetishised one of my body parts for being pink (and specifically told me it's a fetish in brown men). Super interesting after his little rant at me earlier.

Fast forward two years, I finally removed him from social media after enduring him inboxing me posts about white people that I never asked for and enduring his daily Instagram left-wing BS posts.

In a nutshell I sympathise with all the threads on racial fetishism and how that makes non-white people feel. I take that on board. However, as a gay man I'm very against bossy people telling me who I can be attracted to and I will continue to gravitate towards people I am attracted to whilst making sure I recognise them as human beings.

/r/dating Thread