Explain this

Real per-capita GDP in the US in 1950 was about $15,000. Real per-capita GDP in the US today is about $60,000.


This means that since the 1950s, the output of the average worker, when adjusted for inflation, has quadrupled.

The 1950s are hailed as a time of peak American productivity and wealth for families.

Acknowledging the fact that we could work 1/4 as much as we do and still make the same money isn't catering to lazy people. It's recognizing that we live under a system that currently caters to those who were born rich and strives to keep us struggling when it could provide for every luxury in our lives.

We produce more than we use, but the American people don't benefit from that. The workers don't benefit from that. Capitalism prides itself on "efficiency over equality", but the only thing it's doing efficiently is fucking us over while destroying the planet.

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