Explain Anal...

I definitely would say that I have an anal fixation. Whenever I have a sexual thought, it relates to anal in some way, shape, or form. Whether it be oral, penetrative, or just ass play. I think it stems from the fact that I am most sexually attracted to a girls' ass than any other physical part of her body. In fact, the only way that I have any raw sexual attraction to a girl is if I find her ass to be attractive. And when I do find myself sexually attracted to a girl, rather than wanting to have sex with her, I find myself wanting to have anal sex with her.

On top of that, anal sex is a lot more pleasurable for me from a physical standpoint. It just feels better to me, and the sensation sort of resembles of what masturbation feels like. I masturbated for years before I even knew what masturbation, or even sex was. So the familiarity of it is also something that attracts me.

The view is also something I really, really appreciate. I just find it to be so incredibly attractive visually, no matter what position we're in. I can't explain this, because it sounds pretty strange, but during anal, I just become so much aware of my otherwise latent sexual attraction to her. I discover other parts of her body that I otherwise wouldn't have noticed as much. I really can't explain it since it doesn't make much sense to me.

But I also view it to be a lot more intimate, in my mind, than vaginal sex. It is also something I view as more primal. And that turns me on a lot too. But I know for a lot of girls, they can find anal sex to be intimidating, and painful at first. I am more careful, because anal done wrong can hurt her. If I'm having anal sex, she is giving me the part of her body that I desire the most, and entrusting me with it. It's more so the possibility of hurting her that I think has to do with it rather than actually hurting her that stimulates me in such a way. I don't want to hurt her. I want her to find it as pleasurable as I find it and I want her to enjoy it to the degree that I enjoy it and want to do it again.

A great plus for me is that while I'm having anal with her, I can stimulate her in other ways and more freely, and when I have anal sex with a girl, mentally, I feel like I am truly making love to her in ways that I don't feel when I have vaginal sex with her.

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