AITA for wanting to eat junk food and “not supporting” my bf’s diet?

ESH. His diet seems a little too restrictive and not sustainable but you seem unwilling to make compromise. Why can’t you get icecream on your own? Why do your date activities have to revolve around junk food? A pint of icecream isn’t gonna kill anyone being in the house but if you’re constantly stocking up on junk that’s another thing. You can have a few small items and that’s reasonable but if you live together you should be supporting him where you can. He shouldn’t ban it outright tho. My partner is a junk fiend and I go up and down with an eating disorder and it’s really easy for me to binge given the opportunity, like if he had all the chips and candy he wanted in the house. I also have fitness goals and while my diet isn’t as strict as your partners I still don’t enjoy activities that solely revolve around junk that will mess with my progress. I would recommend him actually talking to a nutritionist to get a less restrictive and more well rounded diet plan in place though. He also may have an eating disorder if he equates food to an addiction. You saying get help or get lost isn’t really the best option in my mind if you actually want things to work. Getting help for an eating disorder is really hard to do. I’ve been trying to recover for over a decade and I still have slip ups.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread