Extrovert here, I had some questions

Generally, do you want to be encouraged to come out / stay out / etc?

For me I need a one week notice of a social event for be to be able to attend and to be somewhat outgoing. Less than 5 days and I will definitely try and get out of it.

What could I do to make a party more fun for you?

I can actually have fun at parties but if i'm not talking to anyone that doesn't necessarily mean i'm not having fun. Sitting on the couch with a beer by myself or talking to one or two people and I'm probably having as much fun as anyone else.

How can you tell if an introvert doesn't like you?

This is a harder question for me because I generally like almost everyone. I am always described as very funny so I think if I don't like someone I won't make jokes around them or I go out of my way to give very short answers to questions. I also generally need 10+ interactions with a person before I feel comfortable with them.

Is something like dancing / clubbing or going to see a show more appealing to you, since there's no talking?

I do not like dancing/clubbing. My idea of a fun time is to have a few friends at a semi-quite bar talking about stuff. I feel that usually I am forced into dancing (generally bad to force us to do social things) and it is an activity makes me feel like the center of attention (another a bad thing for me). I also have issues interacting with women because I do not understand social queues. In addition I am really bad with with nonverbal social queues although I'm not great with deeper into what is said either. Pretty much unless i'm directly told something I won't know what is going on. I also do not like physical contact unless I am very comfortable with a person. I don'even like getting hugs from family members outside of my parents/grandparents.

What part of interaction is tiring, exactly? Thinking of stuff to say? Wondering whether it's the right thing to say? Or what?

I think the issue with me is probably due to me not getting social queues so I am constantly overthinking everything that happens. I also am constantly considering what to say/do next. Going out and interacting with people is like work. Its like when you come home from a long day at work and you just want to sit for a minute with your shoes off before you start cleaning you apartment, taking care of kids, homework, or whatever it is that you extroverts do when you get home.

When there's something going on that you don't want to go to, what is unappealing about it? Just that you're tired and don't want to be even more tired, or something else?

If given enough warning about the event I will go but I also can't be attending too many events in a week. I will most definitely try and skip something when someone tells me there a girl there that is into me. I think this stems from some other issues outside of my introverted-ness but that is another story.

What's your relationship with alcohol / other drugs like? My friend group has been thinking of having 'sober Fridays' and I was wondering if it might be hard for you, still going out and seeing music and going dancing sober?

I like drinking in a quite setting just talking. I don't do any drugs. There is a tipping point in my drinking when people can get me to do to a louder place. As for dancing there is a very very narrow corridor where dancing is achievable before I lose the capability of controlling my movements.

Is hanging out with a few good friends still draining, just less so, or is it a completely different dynamic?

It's not as draining especially how close you are to those friends. I still want to get home a chill by myself for a bit afterwards though.

"You're so quiet" / "How can I get you out of your shell" - these are annoying, right? Why?

I think these are annoying just because they put us on the spot, which we generally hate. Also my response is usually "I don't know", or "yeah" which for some reason is never a valid response.

/r/introvert Thread