Extroverts of Reddit, we have heard about introvert problems. But what are some things that you wish introverts would understand about you?

I used to be a introvert, and when I gained confidence that's when I noticed some changes about myself so here's one I'll say: if you have that "I'm not like other girls" attitude and judge "pretty" and "popular" girls because they're "fake" and "attention whores who cared about what everyone else had to say all the time" or whatever the flipping fuck I thought, they're just having a fun time with their lives tbh and don't give a single fuck about what anyone thinks and that is true confidence. I didn't start dressing for myself until my Senior year of high school because I was so afraid of becoming what I thought was "plastic" and "fake" when in reality it was just all about my confidence. I still remained the nice person I am but I stopped the unnecessary judgements about looked because I was just envious/jealous, I do still think I'm unique in my own way, but I don't try to shove it in people's faces to feel special or like an alpha of some sort. It's okay for someone to experiment with how they want to look for themselves without everything thinking "they're just attention seekers".

/r/AskReddit Thread