{fa} Feeling conflicted about wanting space

Hi, I have a very complicated relationship with my mother as well, she ends up in the hospital as tantrums two weeks ago, in my case to make me worry or “pay attention to her” while she slowly kill herself…

Usually I also suppress, until the tread doesn’t hold how much anxiety and guilt I feel from it and I became a ball of conflicted emotions and overwhelmed wanting to isolate myself and disappear…

This time around I did it differently, it might work or not for you as well, It doesn’t cost to try! instead of overthinking about the issue and obsessing or suppressing, I talk to myself in a internal family type of situation, What am I feeling? Why I am feeling it? Can I change what made me feel it? (No, because you can only feel and change yourself, but not other and people situations) what will make me feel bette? - When my mother was in the hospital I kept very low contact just the necessary to know she was okay, i went to yoga, it helps with processing “you are here and now type of shit” and breathing (breathing it’s the first thing I suppress during crisis)I went on a “date” with a friend to the museum and to eat, we chat a bit about how I was feeling (opening up) and I journaled about it until I got tired…

I felt guilt all day, but sleep good knowing that I have chosen myself, taken care of myself and my mental health instead of abandoning everything to be a parent for a irresponsible parent.

/r/AvoidantAttachment Thread