FA receives the most obvious dating advice there is, goes on a rant on how majority of women are worthless, attempts to slutshame me

imo, going into fa and posting "go to the gym and dress nice" and putting out a probably-joking request for shirtless pics seems needlessly inflammatory. I just don't see the point.

I see your point, but I didn't go to FA to post about this, I replied to a thread that asks why people who are not FA read that subreddit, then a guy replied with this:

This is fair though. It's unreasonable to think you can relate or give advice when your situation is so different. You and all the other normal people who think they have all the answers. It's all hollow generic advice, then when we don't want to hear it (because we've heard it before) we get accused of not wanting help.

Dude, if it was easy as "just go out and socialize" or "wear better clothes" or "hit the gym" or whatever other bullshit hollow generic advice people give, then none of us would be here.

...and I took the bait. I guess my low tolerance to defeatist attitudes prevalent among FAs is a weakness in that context. I realized now that there's no point in visiting that subreddit - I'm not going to help anyone, and I don't need defeatism and misoginy in my life, so,as you say, there's no point.

and the most obvious dating advice is "go out and talk to people," not "go to the gym". you don't gotta look good to get a date. you just gotta be an interesting person.

I sort of disagree here. I think if someone is socially awkward, then they should focus on looks first, because if they are hot people will be more receptive to attempts at communication (e.g. if an ugly guy is awkward, it's creepy, if a hot guy is awkward, it's cute, etc.).

Also, see Halo effect, people perceive both who look good as funnier, kinder, more interesting, etc.


Obviously, if you have great social skills, then you can just go out and talk to people, but I got an impression that most FAs are socially awkward.

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