The fact that illegals in the US get free health care while citizens go bankrupt if they break a bone without health insurance is absolutely ridiculous.

Heads up everybody. In this thread, in a reply, OP just admitted to being racist.


LOL. Are you trolling me? You don't think there's any significant connection between race and IQ??

what a tard

OP, that's called eugenics. Google it. It is many things, including what Hitler used to justify murdering millions in the Holocaust, but especially the Jews (the "Aryan race" thing is eugenics). In the 1920s, formerly incarcerated people, mentally ill people (including what they then called "retarded" people), and rape victims were all forcibly sterilized because they weren't "fit to reproduce." Eugenics is bullshit. There is no scientific connection between race and IQ.

Proof that Eugenics is bullshit: Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, Jonas Salk, and Carl Sagan all are famous scientists, all very intelligent people. All were Jewish. Hitler said Jews were inferior in all ways, including in intelligence. I just listed 5 Jews who were far smarter than Hitler, who wasn't even "Aryan" himself. I know several blond haired, blue eyed white Jews personally, as well.

Also, OP, illegal immigrants can't vote. Only citizens can vote. Not even green card-holders can vote.

You can't state all of these things as fact without actual evidence from cited reliable sources and expect reasonable people to believe you. Cite some reliable sources, and I'll begin to consider your position.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread