Fantasy Map

This map pictures a region of my my world with 6 different nations.

The Kingdom of Gnomekind: Ruled by Queen Sellvetia IV, this kingdom stretches from the Frozen Sea and Sea of Merchants to the south East to the Great River in the north and from mountains in the west to the ocean in the East.

The Heavenly Dwarven Magrocacy Surrounded by mountains, this stalwart nation ruled by a group of magic users selected through excruciating tests and exams lies in the north western most parts of this region

The Metallic City States Ruled by councils of people selected for their virtues, the five city states of Mithral Sie, Shwe Pen Sie, Tam Ra Sie and Errum Sie lie just to the East of the Dwarven Magrocracy and seek a tenuous peace with all the other nations of the world.

Empire of Winter Ruled by secretive cabals of magic users, this nation dreams of expanding it's borders, which is bad news for the Kingdom of Gnomekind and the Heavenly Dwarven Magrocracy

Five-Tribe Alliance: Ruled by a council of tribal elders, this nation stretches all across the Bison plains from the Coral reef to the Swamps of Dread and from the Lifeless Wastes to the westerly forests. Along with the Kingdom of Earlsland it is one of the only two nations without any magic users.

Kingdom of Earlsland: The most southern of all the nations, The Kingdom of Earlsland is on an island on the side of the Sea of Merchants as the Kingdom of Gnomekind. After recent famines several nobles a vying for the throne and refugees have set up a colony in the Isles of Necromancy, which literally has evil ghosts who are trying to corrupt everyone one on the islands is still a nicer place to live than the main island. Along with the Five-Tribe Alliance one of the only two nations without any magic users.

PS. Someone wanted me to add a scale, which is kind of hard to add otherwise, but for reference this map is about 6960 km from north to south and 9840 from east to west. Please not that this is approximate and not the exact measurements by any means, especially considering real maps of areas as large as this one can't really have a scale considering they show parts of a globe and not a flat surface.

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