The Narcs I've met have been very shallow. Curious to hear examples of shallowness you've experienced with a narc?

My sister was such a narcissist, she wouldn't let me wear her clothes and complained when I wore mine that look like hers or even when I wore sth completely different from her style because she thinks that, and I quote, " we look alike and people may confuse me for her and she doesn't want them to see her (me) wearing ugly clothes or having my ugly face"

Her solution was for me to never go out ever or be seen in public, or she'd style me herself to make sure I look "right"

Ofc I called her bs and told her to not over step her limits.

My nmother would buy 'expensive looking' items for the house and only show them off to guests while we used old ones. She only started using 'new' ones when he whole Instagram and stories culture became a thing

My nfather would always 'pray' in public places so people would see tmhim and just to be sure he'd scream around others how 'praying made him happy and relieved'

/r/LifeAfterNarcissism Thread