Feedback/confrontation needed: My gf (lesbian) and I (bi) talked about our past relationships and she said she'd never enjoyed sex with men but did it anyways. Was this the case for you as well?

I'll piggyback on this thread because I can relate quite a bit. It took me a long long time from when I was younger in my teens observing that I might feel different about girls/guys than most of my friends, to my mid twenties when I finally came out.

I had a pretty textbook straight dating history up until I graduated college- I had boyfriends in high school, lost my virginity at 18, had a number of flings/hookups, and had a long term boyfriend. I've always gotten along easily with guys in a platonic sense, but sex was a major challenge. I didn't love it or crave it. It was interesting at times and enjoyable every so often but I wasn't a fan.

After my boyfriend and I broke up I went into a pretty deep depression and it took me years to rebuild. Over the course of about 3 years I basically went line by line down a list fixing things that fed my depression. Substance abuse, strong feelings of inadequacy due to not knowing what I should do with my life, getting back into competitive running, and so on. About a year ago, I felt like I had fixed the last item on my list but there was still something lingering.

I had always known I liked girls, but never acted on it or even really let myself acknowledge that I had a sexual identity that wasn't "straight". I figured, I liked guys enough and could tolerate sex, so having a less fulfilling romantic life was worth being able to live like a normal person. I was wrong. All of that repression really hurt me after all. The enormity of condemning and disapproving and repressing something so fundamental for so long really hit me about a year ago and I started very slowly coming out to myself and then others. It's made a world of change, I'm so much happier and at peace than I can ever remember being. I no longer feel the emotional fatigue that comes with keeping a secret.

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