I feel this deep in my soul

What are you talking about? The first sentence has nothing to do with my comment. I do hold men accountable for writing shit female characters and agree women should get more chances to tell our own stories.

No you don't; not from anything I see. You have never called for shit like "the green inferno" to not be made or "straw dogs".

But do you not see anything problematic about a character who fakes her own rape in order to spite different men? Especially when that’s many men accuse actual victims of?

No, I don't, because it's a fantasy movie. Do you see any problem with a movie like the devil's rejects which depicts necrophilia and brutally raping and killing women when that happens in the real world all the time?

Nope, because it's a movie about people who don't exist doing things that never happened in a universe that doesn't exist, even though it has real life equivalency in it.

You’re acting like i said the movie should be banned or something whereas im just trying to open a conversation.

Which is why you've objected to it s existence period.

You were zero percent effecting on trying to convince me otherwise.

I don't give a crap to change your mind ; this isn't a debate. The movie already exists and did financially and critically well. You're outvoted.

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