I feel horrible for saying this.

A lot of this is off topic from the sub, but I just need to vent my frustrations.

I have a brother who is mentally disturbed (autism and psychosis) and freaks out often. My parents apparently don't trust the state mental institution which would be taking care of him for some ridiculous reason, so often at 3AM the neighbours in our neighbourhood comprised solely of apartments are often woken up to blood curdling screaming which cannot be stopped. However, when the police are called, he turns into an angel.

It's obviously some sort of behavioural issue combined with the mental health issue, because my parents don't punish him when he does something wrong. Punch someone in the face? Oh, you can't blame him because he's clinically insane. Push someone over in the supermarket? Same thing. Eat everything in the refigerator? Have some more ice cream!

I fucking hate it. I want him to be in that place where he won't cause trouble to other people. There is no good reason that I've heard against the mental institution other than the fact that he doesn't get to go outside. Thus, my father takes him to all sorts of public places even though my brother jumps around and paces about manically. It's obvious that people are uncomfortable around him.

It's so embarrassing, and my parents aren't doing jack shit about it. I've heard stories of him attacking people and security guards at shopping centres when he is freaking out. I actively avoid going places with my family now, because it's just so embarrassing to be with my brother.

One thing that royally pisses me off is that my dad, who is my brother's "carer", gets $1400 a fortnight from the government ($700ish for carer pension and $700ish for disability pension for my brother) and squanders most of it, gambling around half of it and justifying it by saying that it keeps him sane or some sort of horse shit and that it's a hobby. He claims that I have hobbies too and that justifies him blowing $700 a week at the TAB and poker machines I tell him that my hobbies don't cost $700 a week and are far more productive than his gambling bullshit.

Then he has the audacity to yell at me while I am still in bed for not lending him $50. He then threatens to kick me out of the house because I don't pay board whilst my brother is screaming his lungs out in the background.

I've even drawn up plans of getting my personal belongings in my car just so I can tell him to go and get fucked next time he threatens to kick me out and drive off into the night and then possibly kill myself by driving off a cliff, depending on how I feel.

I suspect he keeps my brother in this shitty little apartment building just so he continues receiving the $1400 payment from the government.

I'm extremely sorry if you have to experience this kind of thing from disabled people who should be kept away from other people.

/r/TalesFromRetail Thread