Fellow redditor, who are you ? What is your story ?

26, almost 27. Parents divorced at age 4. My mother, who got custody of us, verbally abused us until we were adults. Physically abused us on and off until she realized we were too big and would fight back. Haven't spoken to her in 2 years now. Graduated from highschool with a below average grade, but still graduated.

Worked a few retail jobs and worked my way up fairly quickly until I was 22 and met who I thought was the one. We moved out together to a small town and were together for just over 3 years when she admitted to cheating on me. The relationship lasted only a few months after that and we broke up over it. She said she would do anything for me not to leave but it was clear, with time, that she would not. We split up. I had a rough year, not able to find any real friends after that and can't seem to get out of this rut.

My brother tried to kill himself last may, my dog died in december, My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer back in february, and now my hair is starting to fall out. Could be related to the cancer but I really don't know. I no longer have cancer (yay surgery, only one testicle now) but my confidence is at an all time low. I had to stop working out so that I could recover properly and now I'm just back to skinny fat.

Went into my third year for automotive apprenticeship. Just finished today actually, hopefully I passed my final exam. I dunno, I seem to focus on all the bad, but it doesn't seem like anything good has happened in the last two years. To me or my family. I'm trying to find love, but have had no luck. Trying to make friends but people seem to come and go. Hopefully things get better soon, I just really want to be happy again.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

/r/AskReddit Thread