Female masturbaters of reddit, who do you normally think about while playing? What's the likelihood a guy has been thought about by a masturbating female?

Based on the sample size of my other female friends, I think I am in the minority of women who have thought about friends, acquaintances, professors, coworkers, that cute waiter, strangers I've passed on the street, etc., when masturbating. I've probably thought about most of the people I know at least fleetingly (except maybe family), but so far only the attractive ones have starred in my 'successful' getting-off fantasies. And, of course, I have thought about attractive celebrities, athletes, and other various famous people as well.

And I like to imagine scenarios that are specific to the person--- that helps deepen the fantasy for me. For example, I had a TA that shared an office with other grad students, and I would picture him blocking the door, and us doing it on his desk while we listened to one of his frustrated office mates jiggling the door handle. Another example, I knew this guy who I sometimes saw on my commute, and I would imagine skipping work, taking the train with him to his stop, and then finding a closet in his office building to get busy in. Or, more removed, I have a particular athlete that has done it for me since I was a teenager, and I like to think about us fooling around in a filthy locker room shower.

I know some women really don't like the idea of thinking about people they know, especially if they are in a committed relationship... which I currently am (almost 8 years, and counting..!). I would say my SO and I are really good at separating fantasy and reality. He knows and I know that we both have very active imaginations, and we're pretty open about it. We both see fantasy and self-love (heh) as a way to burn off some of the desires that sometimes might threaten a monogamous relationship. Even though it's often done separately from one another, I would say masturbating is very much a part of our sex life. But different strokes for different folks, sexuality is a complicated beast for sure.

/r/AskReddit Thread