Feminists of Reddit; What gendered issue sounds like Tumblrism at first, but actually makes a lot of sense when explained properly?

I have no idea what the broader stats are for razors, but surface area is not the only factor. I would argue hair density and quality matters more.

I am male of average hairiness. I regularly shave my face and chest. I have in the past shaved every inch. u Have lived with women my entire life, and many of those years have been with an intimate partner where we have often shaved in each other's presence.

Males do have much thinker, coarser, and more dense hair on their faces than most women have on their legs or pits. Assuming the same surface area, a man would need to replace his razor long before a woman would.

But that's an unrealistic assumption, which is why I don't have a satisfying answer to who uses more on average. Anecdotally however, I used mine up more than she used hers. Though she didn't shave daily like I do.

All that is interesting, but entirely inconsequential when discussing tampons and pads. Beards and leg hair are style choices (not light ones mind you). Bloody trousers, as far as I'm aware, are not.

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