Ferguson Protest Leader Darren Seals Found Dead in Vehicle

He's obviously a violent criminal, who is leading BLM protests which ostensibly, are protests for black people to be allowed to be criminals.

BLM essentially argues the propensity for crime is so strong amongst black peoples that criminalizing crime is racist because of disparate impact. Criminalizing crime is the same thing as criminalizing black skin.

The blacks themselves have now adopted white supremacists ideologies. That as subhumans they are incapable of being civilized and to force civilization upon them is actually impossible as they would find the freedoms and responsibilities of civil society intolerable.

Yours is just one more example of the cognitive dissonance that this fact creates. That's why you can only ever discuss outcome or "systemic racism" because they want to use race as a sword and shield. The police are simultaneously racist for investigating crime and for not investigating crime.

That is the argument though that all whites are racist. All LEOs, DAs, Public defenders, rules and laws, and facts, and the "system" and democracy. (It's like a racial paranoid delusion)

The fact is that there is a huge problem with black criminality and there is a huge problem with black incarceration. But discussing the cause and effect correlation between the two is racist.

And what if it's true? What if innate differences make them less capable as citizens? Then anywhere they congregate or form a majority you would see a marked increase in crime, destruction of the rule of law, a decline of civilization.

"Disarm the police! Kill the boer!" Same day different name.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com