A few newbie questions about junglers and jungling

Gods that are used: Any assassin, although Loki and Bakasura are typically used in solo lane. Some warriors can also do it, some mages (He Bo and Freya), Athena (a guardian) can do it, hunters don't really jungle.

Most coveted junglers - Bellona, Serquet, Thor

Starting items - Bumba's Mask, boots 1 Hand of the Gods 1 at least 1 HP potion then you can get a second or a ward, if you get a ward put it near the enemy blue buff but also so that you can see them at yellow. From there you want to f

Meta Starts (there are 3)

Common meta start - Go to jungle in between short and mid lane with solo laner. Start at yellow (speed) buff, you ALWAYS take this buff as it allows for faster rotations. If you can leash the monster to the edge of camp closest to the blue buff, do this by simply walking the edge of the camp without walking out when the monster aggro is on you. Then go to blue (mana) buff, solo laner takes this one as he needs the mana regen for sustain in lane. Try to leash this one might go around the corner to the stone wall, it will follow. Then you split waves until you are about lvl 3-4. From there it should be about minute 1:30 or 2. Next you want to take your solo side back camp (the ones with 3 harpies close to base) or invade enemy back camps if the enemy jungler has not left lane yet (only do this if you KNOW you can get away with it). You can clear the second one if you think you have enough time for this and the upcoming mid camps, you can clear the second or gank middle lane. Mid camps are in the middle of mid lane, they give you the most gold and xp of all the jungle camps outside of Fire Giant and Gold fury, so they are very important, expect to fight for them. The Mid camps spawn at 3 minutes so you want to be there slightly before hand (about 5 seconds). After this you can gank mid or solo lane, and clear the other back camp if you haven't yet. From here you just keep and getting you buff, clearing back camps, dropping the buffs for your team and ganking. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP UP YOU FARM, if you don't you fall behind.

/r/Smite Thread