Player Interaction, working as intended.

Supply and demand factors these kinds of abuses out. All GGG would have to do is tweak the drop rates of anything that was being horded and tank the price on those things. GGG is ultimately in complete control - this is their sandbox, not ours.

If someone was to, for example, buy all the Gorge maps and horde them, then there would be a lot of gorge maps that people couldn't get at first. But the price would go way up for them. So more people would farm them and compete in that market because there is a big demand for the map (it's a great map) but also there is low supply at that time.

So what then happens is that the people who were buying these up to flip start mass selling. Now the market becomes FLOODED.

The price gets driven way down.

You can't break the supply/demand reality of commerce. Right now we don't have a proper commerce in POE because there are assholes who list their stuff for way lower than they would actually sell it for in hopes that someone will undercut so they can buy up the cheaper items. They can't do that with the auto-trade public tabs or they lose their items.

At any rate my suggestion would fix MOST of the problems, but like any system there are always going to be forces trying to break the system. There would need to be some changes and tweaks down the road at any rate.

As of right now though it's not fun to trade and more of a hassle than it has to be.

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