FINALLY a MOTIVE for the murder of Teresa Halbach. And it belongs to Mr Zipperer.

I have been searching for that same information about when he found out Jodi wasn't going to be able to leave that night. All I know is that prior to 2, he was calling her attorney's and the human services dept apparently to find times for AA - which I believe is what he would be picking her up for - to take her to AA and back to jail.

Yes, Hermann owns and owned at the time an auto salvage yard I believe about 30 minutes from Averys.

On Zipperer, the appointment was set up by a telemarketer from autotrader. They would look in newspapers and such for people listing their car for sale and would contact them and see if they wanted to advertise in autotrader. The autotrader marketer would basically ask them if they could send a photographer out to take pics of the vehicle and then if they decided they wanted to advertise with autotrader, they would already have the pics for ad. So, Zipperers didn't actually call autotrader to set appointment, they basically agreed to let photographer come out to take pic in case they decided they wanted to advertise later. So, the Z stop, was not a "paid" gig at the time for Teresa. The vehicle they were selling belonged to their grandson who lived with them. From Ms. Z's testimony, she was out in front yard doing yard work when Teresa got there. She said she showed Teresa where the car was and Teresa went by herself to locate it. She never saw her leave. Their house is on about 1 acre and pretty secluded. From the aerial view of their house, it looks like the car was probably parked around the side of the house towards the back. After Teresa was reported missing, the police contacted the Z's. From their reports, he was not cooperative, denied Teresa had been there, lied about where him and his grandson were that day, told them if they came on his property he'd have his dogs attack, and also told them Teresa was a trespasser & if she came on his property he'd shoot her - even though he had been told she was missing.

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