Financial hurdle gone: Alberta first province to eliminate fees for addiction recovery programs

I'm not sure what Alberta's like is this regard, but when I lived in BC, working with addicts, there were lots of free treatment option's, but never any beds available. Many facilities also didnt have wait lists, you just had to call every day, and hope a bed opens up and you were the first to call..

I called every day for almost a year for this one girl. Finally got her a spot. Two months into her program the center is defunded and shuts down and everyone got kicked out. Somone decided they had too many free programs and that they weren't all needed.

They couldn't even wait for current programs to end.

She grow up with addict mother and was constantly abused by her mothers ever changing boyfriends. She was groomed for prostitution at 12, was put in foster care at 13, had a baby at 14, struggled for the next 4 years trying to turn her life around.

She died of a overdoes 6 months after her program was defunded while waiting for a bed.

She was just 18 when she died.

I quite and left BC after that. The system was so broken, I just couldn't watch the suffering anymore.

Its recently come to light that her son, now 10 and in foster care, has FASD.

And so the cycle continues...

/r/canada Thread Link -