First time trying to set up my router. Needed to rerun wires from outside to the inside but not sure what goes where. Not sure if this is the right place to ask

Ok no need to be quite that aggressive, you were stating something patently untrue. My point was more that VDSL can happily coexist alongside voice. I fully understand how it all works behind the scenes. Coming UK here where our VDSL caps out at 75mbps across the board. Between G.INP and vectoring, pretty crummy lines can work well.

In the UK we have really sensible master sockets that have the filtering built in before the extension wiring (and no one really has extension wiring any more give DECT. We have a 2 xSOGEA lines (no voice) and the old voice+VDSL line, and they sync within a couple of Meg. I’m not sure you can say you cleared up a whole load of other things then it was just down to the removal of the voice.

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