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an example of my work:

Cognitive dissonance - sublimation

Sublimation in psychology is known as the process of redirecting the blame due to personal lack of fulfillment

This is why, for an example the junkies think that someone is hogging all the drugs, or the reason obese people in America sued Mc'Donalds for their fatness

This is how even nacism came to rise - the economic problems of the people of Germany caused lack of fulfillment and then they blamed the fucking jews

That's why skitzophrenics and other psychotic individuals think that the illuminati are controlling the world or believe in other (maybe true, but most likely) crazy conspiracy theories

Quoting Alan Moore "extreme forms of conflict like wars for an example, are the way suppressed sexual energies are conducted"

This is why for an example the biggest homophobes are usually latent homosexuals or that the Christian Catholic church had so many pedophile cases

Self denial is a powerful tool people


When an individual experiences this type of cognitive dissonance, it manifests on three levels -neurosis -psychosis -skitzophrenia

Neurosis is the first level of distortion of the rational mind - an example for this would be when poor people or sexually inactive people blame the rich people or the sexually active and expressionistic people for their misfortune.

It is true that in some cases redistribution and allocation of resources is needed, but that does not solve the core issue

Psychosis is the second level of cognitive distortion - an example for this would be when neo-nazi beat up jews or black people, when extremely religious people rape or when a country's majority blames the minority for ALL of the problems of the country

The third level of distortion is skitzophrenia - at this stage, the individual is so distorted that the initially emotional problem now manifests as a physical - hallucinations and voices

At the third stage of distortion, the individual is either completely lost or following that path closely

Note that all of these distortions are sexual at root - this is why skitzophrenic people usually are impotent

/r/forhire Thread