"For a woman to hookup, she just has to exist."

Stop shaming this guy, you have no idea what his life is like. Y’all think he’s definitely an incel kinda guy who only goes for 9/10 or 10/10 girls and then gets mad when they don’t want him but that might very well not be true.

There’s a lot of people who are just naturally extremely unattractive or socially unable like me (I have autism) who have nearly no standards, yet they still can’t get a girlfriend. Furthermore, stuff the guy says makes complete sense to me from my standpoint. Most of the time men are flirting with women not vice versa, it’s men who initiate. I’m not saying women can’t be active but it’s possible for them to not move a finger and still get in a relationship. That’s impossible for a man that’s below 6/10 and autistic like me, I’d even say it’s impossible for me entirely.

Please stop shaming the genetically unlucky people for being bitter. Thanks.

/r/NotHowGirlsWork Thread Link - i.redd.it