sure thing buddy

Theses seething gremlins will list out everything wrong with themselves (i'm ugly, short, small dick)...and then completely bypass any self-criticism and blame women for all of their OWN flaws.

How does somebody write a sentence like this...with such lack of self awareness?

If you can't attract a woman because you're completely unattractive, YOU are the flawed, broken person. You should be the very first person you blame. Your lack of success is directly tied to your OWN inadequacy.

How are you so blind to the fact that you're disgusting and to blame for all your failure, when you JUST listed out all your flaws and then pretended they weren't there?

Men have a unique ability to project their shortcomings and failures onto others.

You can't ask women to ignore their own gag reflex and change their entire tastes to revolve around being super attracted to revolting men the same way they're attracted to ridiculously handsome men.

/r/NotHowGirlsWork Thread Link -