Former best friends, what happened?

Beat friends since hs. Worked for his mom, we go to Xmas and Thanksgiving with each others family, lived together on and off for a decade. We were pretty much inseparable.

He was a boxer and got in with some shady folks, ended up getting strung out on meth, and we kind of stopped talking for about 3 months after he slapped my sister because she threw out some meth when she found out he put it in her glovebox. 2 months later he was outta his mind on meth thinking people were coming for him and had a gun. Cops showed up, he shot and they killed him. He went from normal citizen to this in a little over a year.

I always regret not doing more or not cutting contact that 2 months previously maybe things would be different. Shit kind of fucks with me sometimes.

/r/AskReddit Thread