Fox News Scorched For ‘Grotesque’ Personal Attack On Joe Biden

Replace Biden with Trump and I'd actually say "Wow, Trump actually did something right for once". Hannity is a moron. I don't understand why he thinks we criticize Trump purely on his name. We criticize him on his actions.

When Trump did things that were good for the country, although rare, we would applaud him. The right just attacks Biden when he does good things.

When Biden does things that aren't good for the country, we criticize him. The right would still applaud Trump for doing the wrong thing.

That's the big difference. We don't worship the guy. We applaud him when he's right and criticize him when he's wrong. We also understand he's not the best President of all time. But when the alternative is mentally ill man in significantly worse health than Biden who has committed multiple acts of treason, we'd vote for Biden 100 times over.

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