[FR] Another Barbecue / Small Talk with Women is a pain

You're very welcome man.

I've been thinking about your question. Goes to the core of everything RP.

I've now had only 2 plates for many months. I consider 2 as the barest minimum. The favorite of the two just fell off and left, "my priorities have really shifted SZ, I will always love you". We know that just means she's got a new dude, she already replaced me in cold blood a while back, this is just the public service memo to notify me, last person to know. Sure enough, he's all over her FB, and she's gushing how he's the bravest, funniest, mostest one of a kind guy that you can ever meet - all epithets that once belonged to me.

This should have been devastating, and before RP I'd come undone over something like this. What hurts is not that she left, but that she found someone "better". It becomes a betrayal, because Blue Me would rely on the woman's praise to feel good about myself. I'd let it seep into the core of my being, and make me feel good. This generates attachment, and women exploit it instinctively - you always pay for this good narcotic feeling with utter devastation down the line.

I told her we had a great run and best wishes. It was sincere. Had some butthurt feelz try to creep up, but the rest of my current "rp mentality" reacted badly to their appearance. Instead of entertaining that dissembling victim persona of the past that I prolly get from my early childhood, and kvetching over my own boo-boo hurty, it was met with rejection by the "present time me". Self pity is a shameful, filthy thing for a man to permit himself. It is only for women (and cowards), too bad it's taken me so many years to learn it, instead of getting it with your "father's milk".

So I'm currently on the low, better start looking for new plates. I recount the story for you because I think there's a similar story going on in every man. Past victim persona you will get "triggered", and if you're just coasting and don't notice what's happening, you get sucked into it as if it was the reality of the situation. Everything seems like an injustice and betrayal, love is not real, women are not worth it... those are the excuses, the underlying cause of all the turmoil is that a man thinks he will get sympathy and even reparations (somehow) by posing in front of his own self as the victim.

It's possible to rationally completely accept RP ideas, and have a strong understanding of Game, but then still get carried away by the victim persona, since it relies on emotions and probably has been with you since forever and ever. This thing, when crushed, will herald your self-liberation. As Dostoevsky said in one of his letters to a friend, "I struggle daily to squeeze the slave out of my soul, one toxic drop at a time..."

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