Free Talk Friday: One month until playoffs edition

Essentially what we built four years ago was a clinical decision support tool that does advanced behavioral health risk analysis.

Fully explained that means: we use typical mental health questions (e.g.) "were you abused?" "have you been in treatment before?" and take all of the answers and number one: give the clinical team a suggestion for what level of care is appropriate for the patient (e.g.) inside a hospital versus a residential treatment center; number two: all of that information is turned into a report like this; number three as you can see at the end of the report we convert the severity of an answer into a numerical value and we use those numerical values over time to improve our algorithms and make claims on what affects patients better or worse both within a category and we'd like to track that against stuff like patients who go back to the hospital or get worse or get better overall.

My plan all along has been:

  1. Allow any psychiatrist to use our tool for free. They just have to sign up.

  2. Build out tools that they are used to (e.g.) a "Progress Note" is simply an online text box, much like the ones on reddit, with a header that says "Progress Note" and can be exported, printed, shared, edited, and deleted.

  3. Use video conferencing technology to give Psychiatrists the ability to do tele-medicine

    3a. For hospitals we can combine our tool with tele-psychiatry to triage patients, managing their risk and delivering excellent clinical documentation so that the hospital will get paid every time

  4. Use our de-identfied database to do research with a major University for a look at outcomes and to create a real best practices in Psychiatry

  5. Re-work our risk-analysis algorithm to be focussed directly towards the patient. If we can get people who believe they have a mental health problem to download our app, take our assessment we can give them the option of a) calling 911 in case of emergency b) learning more about their answers by connecting right away to one of our tele-psychiatrists.

It's a huge project in some ways, but I think we can be delivering on at least half of this by September and possibly all of it by January. We've already worked through about $3 Million in Funding and by September I'm going to be asking for another $5 or $10 Million. I'm only 27 so if this works out, I'll be set for life basically.

/r/nba Thread