Free Talk Fridays - Week of July 21, 2017

Update after my last post where I announced I'd be watching the last 3 episodes of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso. I tried to edit the original but I can't get the spoiler tag to work for some reason.

[Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso](/s "From the start I knew the anime would be sad because of some random comments I've seen here, and I also saw it recommended in MAL in another crippling-sadness anime's list. However for some reason in the end I still had a bit of hope that she would actually survive, after they said there would be a surgery. If I hadn't been 'spoiled' I'm sure I would've really believed she would live. The letter at the end was beautiful and brings a bit of happiness even though the 'lie' was always pretty obvious and I don't think she needed to keep it secret.

After the letter and knowing Kousei and Tsubaki will be happy together all isn't doom and gloom, and I loved this anime, but man, am I fucking crushed right now... I think I need to watch something cheery to counteract this crippling depression, so suggestions are welcome T_T")

/r/anime Thread