Freedom of Speech and Video Games

They're not saying fuck you they're saying this dude is bad for our platform and we should remove him for the enjoyment of others.

That's subjective.

I find your comment offensive - I'm going to get my friends to report you to reddit admins because we disagree with you.

Do you think this is an acceptable system?

You're not allowed to talk here - there's just a comment box - a reply button - you can communicate with me, but if I don't like it, you shouldn't be able to.

I can get people to report you - we can silence you - is that okay?

Should it be okay for me to do that?

The answer is no, never - unless you're literally inciting violence or making threats - but we don't hold companies to the same standard.

You should be outraged if you care about your freedoms at all.

/r/gaming Thread Parent