Freestyle Friday Nighas

a bit of an alphabetaerobics:

Apocalyptic apathy apprehensively apprehending me, acidically absorbing the archaic and acrid accouterments of broken Babylon’s.

Brutal yet beautiful baronesses beating back bucolic bereavement that craves cudgels, cunningly culling cognitive creativity, creating crass creatures with crude credo’s.

Doubt the draconian decrees of dubious doppelgangers, doing so decisively delays desolation. These daring deviants deftly defy decaying expectations.

Embrace entropy, ending an era of exhaustive evolution. Exceed ecstasy by enveloping eon upon eon with endless epiphany. Enjoy earnest exaltation.

Feel the freedom flow as fluid, ferociously forging the fornication of fervor and folly.

Greave not the garish gentleman who gazes greedily on green grottos, for he gladly greats Gehenna.

Heal the hallowed halos of hardly heard hero’s, and hold their hearts humanely.

Ignore the ignorance of impatience, instead, implore the importance of impetus, in doing so intoning immortality.

Join in the jubilation, jettisoning the jaded juxtapositions of jealousy.

Lament lost loves, which leaves even learned lords layed low.

Make monolithic menageries of menaces mean moot, masking manipulative malice with melodious melancholy. Negate nebulous nobodies who nearly nullify new-found neural nascence, numbing numerous yet nonexistent nemeses.

Plunge off the precipice of practiced prudence, pulverizing past pretenses, pushing past passion and penetrating perdition.

Query the quandary of quantum queerness and quarks, questioning quests for quagmires.

Ransack the rancid ramparts of repression, rallying the resounding roar of reason.

Silently serenade the sirens, singing soliloquies for the scarlet scourge that is sentience.

Train thyself to travel through tumultuous thought, transcending time, and touching tiers untold.

Unveil unbelievable undercurrents, undermining universally unquestioned usurpers, undoing untold vexations.

Vent virulent villainy with vehemence, verifying vectors of validity. Wryly wrench the wild winds of wretched wars, wasting woe but not wonder.

Yearly the young of yesterday yearn to zero in on the zenith of zealotry.

thanks for your time

/r/Stims Thread