From an old frequenter and fan of this subreddit: A Clarification of Subjective and Objective Dialectics. An attempt at a freshly conceived presentation of dialectics, written from a Marxist-Leninist, anti-revisionist perspective.

The definition of morphodynamics is from the glossary of the book and is self-explanatory as a definition even if it is extremely abstract and a difficult concept to actually grasp in terms of how what it really means for the organization of matter. The book is far more than pop science and you may get something out of it if you read it. Morphodynamics is the starting point in understanding how dialectical processes at the level of thermodynamics beget new constraints that form a supervening level of organization (Deacon eventually puts forth a theory of how life came about through teleodynamic processes that could reproduce themselves until a biological type of organization could become a thing). Incomplete Nature is a pretty difficult read, so I probably should've spent more time on it in the post, I'll admit.

What I'm saying isn't the opposite of Althusser at all, Althusser just skips over the materiality of the brain and this affects how his work on ideology comes together. I still rely on Althusser for my ideas on M-L as ideology vs science, my understanding of Hegel with relation to M-L, and in the social stuff in general, even if it's far in the background of Voloshinov and Ilyenkov for most of that section. I'm not dismissing Althusser, I'm just showing (here, because I didn't really being him up in the post) why his logic is inconsistent with regard to ideology, which is due specifically to his trying to understand ideology as material purely as it is acted out materially rather than as material within the brain (which it certainly is) that is part of the three levels of organization of dialectics that I bring up. He was looking for the materiality of ideology and only found it in one place instead of both, which created a wider distortion. Althusser's ideas on interpellation, ideology, and ISAs still make sense within the framework I put forth, just not without some modification.

I don't dismiss Hegel at all, I go so far as to say his work is vital for developing a mode of thought that is Marxist-Leninist. Whatever I dismiss I dismiss for the same reason that Marx described his method as a "direct opposite," which is its idealism. Marx and Engels dismiss Hegel as or more aggressively as me in the German Ideology for instance.

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