[fundraiser] This group of pyro artists from the East Coast are looking for help taking fire theatre to the next level

i admit you have a point. but my argument is that this perk i am offering falls in a gray area. its not some exclusive ride on art car or a private catered meal. we call it fire theatre because its much more than just a bonfire. so in theatre jargon what we are looking for is an "angel." Now i am assuming that someone gets the honor of lighting the man in the desert, and i am assuming that fire conclave get priority seating, as well as DPW and other high up volunteers and staff, for the big burn. we run a meritocracy around our fire circles. if someone helps make the burn happen they get consideration. i am sure this is the same as Burningman. correct me if i am wrong but i am sure that those people that put their blood sweat and tears into making the man are not made to fend to themselves when it comes time to gather round the fire to light it off. what i am campaigning for is to build something that few anywhere in AMERICA have ever seen. my vision for where me and my team are heading (http://youtu.be/zj6PskNuQSA) doesn't really exist here. its an very old art that exists in europe, maybe china and maybe south america. we're a long way from achieving the example that i cite, but to get there take a certain amount of capital and lots of baby steps. this VIP perk that has your panties in a bunch is as communal as it is exclusive. someone has to build the fire, someone has to light the fire. i am choosing to give that honor to the person that helps me financially build the most exciting effigy that me and my team have the skill set to produce. so in my mind this is a place where the commodification of a "moment" and a bit of priority seating is exactly the same thing as providing coffee at center camp. because the increase in capital to manifest the vision is for the betterment of the experience for the community as a whole. so if you can tell me that my assumptions about how someone who volunteers to build the man gets treated come burn night are wrong, that DPW doesn't view the man from wherever they like, that after fire conclave is done spinning they are ushered to the back of the pack, that the members of BMorg are treated like the rest of the rabble and don't get perks for their do-ocracy, then i could admit that someone who makes a major facilitation of furthering art that is the central gather point of the event doesn't deserve to "press the button." but i don't think you can.

AND i did ask before i posted here.

/r/BurningMan Thread Link - igg.me