[Future Spoilers S07E01] Season 7 Premier Leak + TSDF Discussion

I'm not saying that isn't a possibility, but 2 actors have 'disappeared' from the set since episode 1. Now, I know they said they had body doubles and stuff, but the TSDF people are on the watch constantly, checking the set and stuff. The only time they don't get much info and sightings is when they film at the studio.

Now, they're on episode 14 apparently, and no one has seen Glenn or Abe. I mean, c'mon. Not even a glimpse. Not even aan article saying they were on their way to filming. In fact, Steven Yeun spent most of the first half of the season out of the country.

Everything can happen, sure, but damn, if it's not Glenn and Abe, then who is it? Because the other alternative would be AMC kept those two hidden and filming at the studio all the time which I think it's impossible. What would be the storyline? Even Maggie has been seen more than once.

Not to mention the Fox promo was taken down in like, an hour or two, and it showed a couple of people who were on the lineup, and the footage matched the TSDF spoilers.

Then there's this huge leak and the video is still up? It just seems fishy. :/

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