To a future without quacks, snake oils or scams: Homeopathy doesn't work and homeopathic "treatments" will be labeled from now on with a warning that they don't work

homeopathy and holistic medicine are 2 very different things. please do not conflate the 2. Homeopathy is the debunked "hypothesis" that if you take a small amount(when I say small I mean virtually non-existent, think 1 grain of salt diluted in a lake of water, and according to them, the more dilute, the more powerful it is) of something that causes the symptom you are trying to treat will be a cure.

an example would be, if you are trying to go to sleep you would take a "homeopathic dose" of caffeine.

this is completely bunk psudo-science. while holistic medicine simply says the less "processed" the medicine the better it is for you. natural remedies that actually do have a proven effect. While i don't personally agree that holistic is the way to go, it actually has at least SOME merit, homeopathy DOES NOT.

EVERY. SINGLE. TEST. that homeopathy has been put to has FAILED. and no science isn't "suppressing the truth", if you think that then you have NO clue how the scientific community works.


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