1. Reflecting controversial real life situations in sitcoms, such as homosexual relationships in children, is not the "gay agenda".

  2. The "gay is a culture" argument is a weak one. There is scientific evidence that you are born with an attraction between same/other gender of the child, and there is no evidence to claim that everybody is automatically born straight.

  3. Intersex people have existed as long as humans have existed.

  4. Have we? The definition of marriage has changed many times in Western civilisation, including minimum age of wed, polygamy, cousin marriage, etc.

  5. Yes, it does.

  6. That's a massive strawman. Find even one LGBT person who claims you can reproduce homosexually.

  7. Ugh, typical "hate the sinner not the sin" hogwash. Not even going to iterate on how wrong this is.

  8. That's merely your definition. Not everybody believes in the same God, and not everybody who believes in your God believes in the same religious beliefs.

  9. Eh, this ain't bad. Thinking that it should be heterosexual is different than demanding it should be heterosexual.

  10. Because they're not Muslims?

  11. Goddamn slippery slope argument. Adults can consent, children and animals can't.

  12. See 11.

  13. Do you not know how the Supreme Court works? Read your Constitution before you lecture on democracy.

  14. See 8.

  15. See 12.

  16. These asinine comparisons to inanimate objects aren't only childish, but also strangely Freudian. "hahaha it's bcuz beniz goes in bagina like rod and nud :DDDD"

  17. "Heterosexual Awareness Month"? Why do you need a month for people who are ~95% of the population?

  18. Good for her! You forgot about the thousands of other celebrities who are insanely divorce-happy, corruption "marriage" more than any homosexual.

  19. Homosexuals can provide good family tradition as well, while some heterosexuals can't. Family has nothing to do with LGBT.

  20. Marriage is already pretty damn protected if you ask me.

  21. What nature and science do you have that affirms "traditional" marriage? Marriage is an artificial human property, I don't see any dogs marrying.

  22. What does this have to do with gay marriage?

  23. Most people marry for "gratification of consenting adults." Also see 19.

  24. What about infertile heterosexual couples? What about heterosexuals that abuse their kids?

  25. "Children are in harmony with the masculine and feminine" - hooray for gender roles!

  26. I agree! The two halves being a loving partner and another loving partner.

  27. Well Ben Sasse won, so good job advertising bus, you did good.

  28. Polygamy and cousin marriage has also been tradition for thousands of years, maybe they should be legal too.

  29. Judging how there is almost no good evidence to suggest that heterosexual couples are more beneficial than homosexual couples, this seems wrong.

  30. A quick search on the internet shows that no, he wasn't part of the civil rights movement. Even so, they are completely different situations.

  31. That doesn't have anything to do with gay marriage.

  32. How do you know kids want a mother or father? Children of gay couples are happy with two mothers and two fathers. It's a perspective of raising children.

  33. Define traditional marriage.

  34. See 31.

  35. Won't load.

  36. By that logic, you should ban divorce, adultery, long-distance relationships, or any other situation where a man/woman cannot be with his/her partner.

  37. See 20.

  38. "A union between persons that is recognized by custom or religious tradition as a marriage." That isn't so hard...

  39. Ancient Greeks were pretty lenient on homosexuality.

  40. What does this even mean?

  41. Protesting to the Capitol isn't really going to overcome Supreme Court decision...

  42. Such as? This seems pretty gender-role-y to me.

  43. Mothering and fathering mean the same damn thing, just of different gender.

  44. Actually, the voting population is straying more and more pro-same sex marriage, so it really isn't.

  45. They do have a right to do that. They also have the right to grow up in a family with two mothers/fathers.

  46. True, that's why spousal violence only occurs in homosexual marriages.

  47. Good luck with that.

  48. Source? I'd like to hear this research.

  49. Allowing homosexual marriage isn't going to make heterosexual marriage illegal Jesus Christ.

  50. What's the "truth about marriage"? And why do anti-same sex marriage proponents love cheesy stock photos so much?

  51. Marriage has been "messed" with many times in the past, if you don't like it, I assume you'll be fine with marrying 13 year olds and cousins.

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